About Us

Banning Independent Study School (BISS)


Our school's mission is to prepare independent thinkers who are competent, courteous, contributing members of society. Our objective is to prepare competent, courteous, contributing members of society. Our success will result from our commitment to rigorous academic learning, high expectations, and accountability in an alternative education environment.

Prepare, inspire, educate 

Student Learner Outcomes:

All students are expected to:

  1. Remain on track to graduate earning 25 or more credits each semester.

  2. Increase their college and career skill sets.

  3. Be confident in their ability to:

  • Read, write and listen productively;

  • Analyze, communicate and collaborate successfully;

  • Use creativity and innovation to solve real world problems. 

What is BISS?
Apply today for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Click here to apply 

BISS students are expected to foster positive attributes such as:

 Productive achievement   

Our Academics
The main focus of Banning Independent Study School is to meet the individual needs of each student. We provide structure, yet flexibility to ensure that each student, no matter what their situation, can satisfy both graduation and/or a-g college requirements. All students at BISS must be motivated and ready to work independently with the help of their teacher and also the subject specific teachers, through various tutoring blocks offered weekly. The ultimate goal is creating success for each student, and guiding each toward college and/or career.

Our Accreditation
BISS has a 6 year Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation and offers UC approved course work for students who are interested in attending a 4-year university.

Additionally, the teachers at BISS align the core coursework with the other schools in the Banning USD. This makes it possible for students coming from traditional school sites and those who wish to transfer back to experience an easy transition.

Electives and Edmentum
BISS offers a variety of electives from general art, PE, photography and Health to a wide variety of choices on Edmentum. Online courses using Edmentum is another way to acquire A-G credit, explore CTE courses, and take electives.

We Care for All of Our Students
Young adults do not change because of programs, they change because of people. BISS staff motivates our students to achieve their best. We at BISS care for all of our students. We help our students attain the standards necessary to graduate and become productive citizens in the 21st century. We help students connect with others, be successful, solve problems, and to succeed academically. 

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." Tom Bodett